Stay With Me

Yesterday on a walk down Fillmore a fever that I thought Phoebe would be able to work through spiked suddenly and she started seizing. Her sisters watched as she turned blue and I had 911 called. As the seconds of her not breathing ticked by, well, I cannot even write what I was fearing may happen.

She came out of it just as the ambulance arrived. They stripped her clothes, got oxygen on her and checked all her vitals. A friend magically appeared and whisked my older girls home with her while I traveled with Phoebe in the ambulance to the emergency room.

There were no obvious signs of what was causing the fever. They treated it with Motrin checked everything out and let me know there may be more seizures.

Half awake all night I worked to keep her little body cool. She threw up any medicine I had. Luke warm baths, cool washcloths, nursing and  no blankets were my only tools. Just as I was about to send Erin out for a fever reducer we fell asleep.

I awoke at 6 with her seizing again. This time much calmer than the one before. I sent Erin to the store and finally I had a fever reducer I could get her to take and slowly her temperature came down and stayed down.

She has been stable all day and is asleep now. I am hoping for a nice cool night for this little one.

Thank you Phoebe for staying with me.

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20 responses

  1. Oh no. Jen, I’m praying for you. As a parent, I can’t even begin to imagine what that feeling must feel like. You’re strong. Praying for you and your family.

  2. You’re being so strong. I know we don’t really know each other but from one Mom to another, my heart is with you and your sweet Phoebe right now.

  3. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help but cry to think of what you went through. Going through a life-threatening medical condition with my eldest daughter right now, I very much understand. You and Phoebe are going to get through this with flying colors, and hopefully you will never see this situation again with her. She’s got an amazing family and I’m sure has plans to grow old with you all.

  4. I wish I was there with you, my sweet girl. You’re a remarkable Mom. Nothing test a mother’s mettle more than having a sick or ailing child. Keep the faith. Your wee girl and darling family are all in my best thoughts and prayers, Jen. Xxxxoooo

  5. I just read an article on that subject on Mercola site today. Apparently they can be common in small children with fevers and do not have the lasting affects that other seizures have. I know that would the scariest thing in the world to witness though. Glad to hear you have been able to keep a fever reducer into her and that things have been calm thus far – hoping that’s the end of that.

  6. When I read what you posted on this on Instagram yesterday I couldn’t even find anything to say. I’m sorry you all had to go through that. But I am SO happy she’s ok and thank you for getting her through that! I would love to meet her sometime. She is one of the brightest, happiest babies and I love seeing pictures of her. You guys are a great family.

  7. Crying – wow! No mother should experience this. Phoebe is an amazing soul and picked the right mother and family to be apart of. She’s staying!!!

  8. We don’t know each other very well but I totally understand what your going through. My oldest son has a terminal medical condition. It has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to deal with. The helplessness is the worst part about it and I imagine that’s how you felt while this was happening. My thoughts are with you. Hopefully she has a speedy recovery and you never have this happen again with her!

  9. My now 15 year old son had the same thing when he was 18 months old. The most terrifying experience, I thought he was leaving us but it never happened again and his scary high fever came down over the next day. It all came out alright and if you want to talk about it please call or message me. All love to beautiful Phoebe.

  10. scary doesn’t describe it. If you need anything at all I just emailed you our numbers. Call any time. Sending buckets of positive vibes from our family to yours!

    • Me too sue! You called it correctly the second you heard about it. I should have just called you!

  11. Thank you everyone for your kind comments! It really meant a lot to me and I am so glad it’s all done! Now I need to plan her little Birthday Party for next week! She is turning one!