Cool Parent- Paul Ferney

Last night Chloe (who wants to be a painter) and I had the opportunity to go to the opening night of Paul Ferney’s show The Beach.

As we approached Incline Gallery I knew we had found the right place because there was a big sign, but also because of the far off sound of children laughing and playing. Paul has two young boys.

Chloe and I loved the show and really enjoyed talking with Paul. Chloe told him her favorite of the show and they talked about what she liked about it and different techniques he had used.

Chloe said his paintings seemed like they were alive and she could really feel the emotions. I agree, they transport you.

One of the things I loved about this opening though was the feeling of happiness and warmth that filled the space and the fact that this was some very beautiful art grounded by children zipping through the gallery eating mini cupcakes.

paul ferney

paul ferney

Heading into Incline Gallery – can you hear the distant sounds of childhood laughter? Well… at least imagine them.

paul ferney

paul ferney

paul ferney

Our favorite

The show is running today and tomorrow. You should definitely go check it out.

Incline Gallery

766 Valencia Street

San Francisco Ca 94110

Thank you Paul for being such a good example of an artist for my daughter.


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2 responses

    • I do feel lucky to have a daughter who likes art shows and who wants to be a painter. She has been like that since she was very little. I could take her to a fancy restaurant at the age of 2!

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