Natural Easter Egg Dye

Don’t worry, I haven’t gone completely over the top and made my own dye out of cabbage and root vegetables. These pictures also crop out the messes that are in the living room and kitchen so don’t feel bad if you are reading this post on your phone and haven’t even begun your easter eggs, let alone natural ones.

Whole Foods Market sent us some gift cards to try out Glob Colors Natural Easter Egg Coloring Kit so I figured I should clean up my dining room  a little and take some time to make eggs with the girls.

We had a lot of fun! The colors are really pretty and simple to set up and use. Nothing was stained. The mess cleaned up easily and we all really liked the result!


Phoebe's egg!

Phoebe’s egg!

We added more water on the second half to make them lighter

We added more water on the second half to make them lighter



Happy Easter! Anyone have fun plans?

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