The Toddler House


“Consider wearing a helmet with a face-shield to bed. it might not be comfortable, but at least the bags under your eyes won’t be purple” –

The toddler years. Um… yeah, they’re kinda rough. They’re cute, sweet, loving, hilarious and fun, but at the end of the day or in the middle of the night toddlers will have their way with your house, your body and your mind.

Last night Phoebe woke up at midnight and said, “I sweep wi oo.” Translation, “I sleep with you.” I guess I’m a sucker, but how could I say no to that cuteness?

Several head butts, flip-flops and flailing arms later I awoke at 5:30 right when the alarm went off. I jumped out of bed. I could’t wait to be free of the kicks and pour cup after cup of coffee down my throat as my eyes adjusted to the rising sun.

Truth be told I enjoy most of my time with this sticky, demanding and curious little girl.

The years are short and the days are long in this toddler house, but it’s quite a journey.

Will you go on it with me?

Share your stories and photos with the hashtag #thetoddlerhouse on social networks.

We’re in this together. It takes a village to survive The Toddler House.


You can find me on Facebook on the page Our Urban Playground and I’m on Twitter and Instagram as @oururbanplay

PS. Did you see this post? The 20 Signs You Live With a Toddler. Share it. It may make anyone who has ever seen a toddler laugh.

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