A few weekends ago we had the honor of meeting the newest member to our family. The girls were so excited to meet and hold their new baby cousin. Phoebe was especially interested and held the baby herself under close supervision.
Welcome to the Latch family little one. We are so glad you are here.
I love this picture of all of them so much. I think it’s my new favorite.
This next shot was taken by Steve’s mom, Connie. Isn’t it great?
Steve and I are done having babies. 3 is our perfect number, but seeing this sweet little newborn does a little tug on the ovaries for sure.
What a cutie! And so much dark hair!
Connie, Steve, David, Dannie, Jon-& Wonderful Wives-Congratulation’s–Lov Ya–Kerby Landis, D.C.
Hi Kerby! I will forward this to them. xo Jennifer