How Do You Get Out of The House?

We have been a bit stuck in the house lately. Steve and I have been working long hours and when we get home we often have more work due to the renovation. That on top of an already packed dance and gymnastics schedule for the girls leaves little time for just getting out for some play time. It’s a side effect of urban living with a little too much on our plates at once I guess.

Last weekend we left the house late Saturday afternoon after all the day’s work had been done and headed to Golden Gate Park. It was great to just run around for a while and play tag. We followed it up with some pizza and ice cream in the Richmond District.

Do you ever get stuck in your house? I would imagine it’s even tougher for those of you in colder climates! I am sometimes challenged by having the two older kids and a toddler. Nap time for Phoebe affects the timing of outings and it can be challenging to find things they all enjoy.

One thing is for certain though, they all love open fields, pizza and ice cream just like their mamma.

I am loving this pink hair way more than I thought I would.

I am loving this pink hair way more than I thought I would.

jennifer latch


jennifer latch

jennifer latch steve latch

jennifer latch

jennifer latch

jennifer latch

jennifer latch

jennifer latch

When I am old I think I am going to look back at these years as the "happy years" when we were raising our children and working long hours to build a happy life. I look tired in this photo but I also look happy. Chloe took it.

When I am old I think I am going to look back at these years as the “happy years” when we were raising our children and working long hours to build a good life. I look tired in this photo but I also look happy. Chloe took it.

3 responses

  1. I love your pictures. We live Oregen were the urban areas are full of parks and trees. I lived in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area for 12 years, the last 2 were when I had just Asher and Jude. I really miss the City. I have on and off felt a little something missing while living here in Portland. People are a little
    off, mostly in the fashion and makeup area.
    But we also make the time for the kids as much as possible.

    Josh and I lately have also been working long hours… We normally do but with the added bonus of a toddler with the Flu. Josh has been working until 1 am most nights and we have had the awesome task of switching back and forth during the day so I can work for a few hours.

    There are few people I know with a life as full as mine. I love that you Blog about yours and always remember to take greats pics along the way.


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