Short Hair Diaries: Growing out the Pixie

Last March I cut my hair into an pixie. If you are considering a pixie, do it. It’s fun, it’s liberating and I write more about it here.

The original chop

The original chop

I did a few things with this cut, I made it shorter, made it a little more choppy, but at a certain point I was just missing long hair too much. I craved a top knot, so I decided to start growing it out.

Above is a few months of no cutting. It was getting harder and harder to manage and was just looking sloppy. It may look somewhat pulled together above because I had blown it out. I decided to clean it up a bit while still intending to grow it long again.

This is the next cut I got last November. It was long in front and shorter on the sides and short up the back. It was cut so that it could grow into a bob easily while still keeping it tidy.

This shows the back.

This shows the back.

This shows how it looked a few months later.

Around March this cut was growing out more and I could not deal with how long the front was getting. The only thing I could do was sort of comb it over and I felt like I looked like Gene Wilder from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a comb over.

I had the brilliant idea to cut my own bangs with toddler scissors….

Don't I look just thrilled with how my hair looks here?

Don’t I look just thrilled with how my hair looks here?

I was too embarrassed to go to a salon to get them fixed so I just rolled with it pretending that they looked good and let it continue to grow.

The bangs started to grow and I figured out how to blend them in with the rest of the hair.

It grew a little longer and I was needing more product to keep it manageable. What was great about it being shorter was I could go several days without washing and it still looked good. With this in-between hair and needing more product it gets dirty faster. The result was a more dried out natural look.

Long and fuzzy from all angles.

Long and fuzzy from all angles.

I was pretty much ready to chop it short again because dealing with this mop was becoming a pain but then I remembered something my mom used to say.

“You are just one week away from great hair.”

If you don’t like it now, wait a week, it will grow a little and it will be good.

So I waited and prayed.

Then suddenly this happened.

My hair was growing in more curly so I diffused it and hit a few sections with a curling iron to help it along.

My mom was right. I was just about a week away from some good hair.

So if you are growing your hair out from a pixie there is hope and these are the things I advise:

1. Let the front grow while keeping the sides and back shorter. Any good stylist should know how to do this. It is on trend right now.

2. Either blow it out straight or work more body into the natural texture of your hair. This is a great video on how to style short curly hair.


4. Switch up your product depending on your hair. I needed to add a heavier holding paste mixed in with my hair primer.

5. Stick with it. Know that when you are really frustrated you are about a week from it looking better.

Good luck with the grow out!

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3 responses

  1. Yep. Just went through this. It had finally just gotten long enough to put up or pin back, but it was long enough that I HAD to. Ugh it was horrible. But that meant it was finally lobg enough to get ir cleaned up and some bangs without it getting shorter. Life is much longer in hair years!!

  2. I’ve had my hair cut about a year ago. At first it was strange, then it felt good but. All my friends love it, but I have never really felt myself with that haircut. I’m kind of in the middle – I can’t decide wether I want to cut my hair even shorter (like 9 mm) or grow them.

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