Decades ago a young father opened his heart and his home to two small girls. Due to a series of tragic events these two girls had found themselves thrust into the foster care system. This young father forever changed the landscape of my mother-in-law and her sister’s childhood.
I had only met this man once at my wedding. I had also never talked much to Connie about her childhood. To a degree there was a separateness between me and the history there. I didn’t know this void of understanding existed until I traveled 1,000 miles to take my children to meet this young father who had become an old man.
To spend those 4 days and see the connection Connie had with this man who had profoundly affected her life was a gift.
We spent hours together. We laughed. We shared meals. We told stories. We had fun.
It took a thousand miles of road for me to learn this history that is Connie’s heritage and witnessing their pure and strong bond is something I will never forget.
Kia Motors offered to lend us their Kia Sedona Mini Van for the weekend so we could fit all 7 of us for the trip down there. Oh man… they say once you get in a minivan, you can never go back to a regular car. Well, I don’t know if they actually say that, but this had reclining seats, a touch-close door and the front seats were so comfy for our long ride. I couldn’t get over the joy Steve and I experienced having the two older kids in the third row seat. We could actually have full conversations. Bliss.
Thanks so much Kia for helping us make this trip possible. I put this little video together of the journey.