You know those commercials where the little 2nd grader is performing and the dad shows up just in time and everyone is all warm and fuzzy? Don’t they seem contrived?
Yeah… well I had one of those commercial moments last week. It certainly wasn’t picture perfect, but the feeling I had spending the afternoon with a bunch of families at a local Italian restaurant, Giorgio’s, before we headed off to watch the end of the year school performance couldn’t be beat.
There was a sense of accomplishment, nostalgia, hope, excitement, nervousness and that feeling you get in your body when you are filled to the brim with admiration for your friends and family.
Everything wasn’t perfect. Chloe was wearing Converse because her old dress shoes were falling apart. She didn’t have socks because somehow every pair I buy her disappears in the abyss. Ella was picking her nose on stage (just for a moment) and Phoebe was pulling the hair of the woman in front of me so much so that the woman moved!
The moments I want to remember are the look on the girls faces when they were getting ready to perform, the fact the Phoebe mastered her clapping and did so after every song, seeing the girls with their friends. I want to remember what it felt like being with the other parents and laughing and feeling like I am part of a group of people who are raising our children together and will help each other navigate these coming years.
I want to remember that it was not perfect and that is what made it awesome.

Giorgio’s – on top of all the school families, it was “make your own pizza night”. They were slammed!
Amazing pictures !
Okay I actually love the converse with the dress and no socks! I have your laundry sock thief senior at my house I think… wink wink
What a great experience. Your communication paints me (and I am sure anyone who reads this) such a great moment. Thanks for sharing these moments with us all!
What a nice comment Amy! No socks look good, but man her feet get stinky!! Those converse were so worn out. We just got her a new pair of high tops!
You are amazing, Jennifer. You are holding it together with your husband away for a super long time, and on top of it take the girls to be with their friends in these sometimes hectic situations. My husband was with me and we only have the two kids but were mortified to step foot in Toy Boat or Georgio’s (which we all love) before or after the show because I was afraid of a mob scene. It is so sweet of you to brave the crowds and show them a good time.
The concert was wonderful as always! I teared up through many of the songs, as I always do. When Stella was in kindergarten in Dale’s class they sang Seasons of Love from Rent, and I still can’t listen to it without bawling.
Well next time you should go because in crowds like that the mob kind of drowns out any misbehavior and since we all knew each other it worked out! Toy Boat was a bit of a ghost town by the time we made it there.
Thanks so much for your kind words! Have a wonderful summer with your kiddos and good luck with your new architectural project!