Latch Girls – Fall

I have taken some photos that I wanted to get up here.

This past year has blown by so quickly and I have lost track of so many things I wanted to post.

Oh Well.

its it factory

We went to the It’s It Factory. Have you ever had one of their ice cream sandwiches? They a fantastic.

About once a month I go out with Aaron Kyro and the Braille boys to shoot some promotional photos.

aaron kyro

How was your Halloween? We had an amazing time.



The day before Halloween we lost Phoebe’s super hero costume so we had to throw her in this spare costume we had.

Phoebe pretty much ran from house to house like she was on a special ops mission until finally she just stopped and was done.

Tonight was Ella’s performance in Musical Theater. She had a few parts and did a wonderful job. When the show got a little scary, Phoebe had me cover her eyes while she peeked through my fingers. We went to Mel’s afterwards for chicken pot-pie and a huge family size sundae.




I am really excited for the Holidays this year you guys! With our house now complete, though still far from furnished with boxes still to unpack, I cannot wait to decorate and hang out with the family.

xoxo from San Francisco


Oh, hey there.

“You haven’t blogged for so long!”

This is what my in real life friends are saying to me now.

Some were wondering if it was just the Facebook algorithm messing with their feed.

Nope. I really haven’t blogged in so long.

I’ve missed creating here in this space and I’ve missed taking pictures of my children. This blog has served as a tool to help me keep tabs on the passing moments, but this past year has been such a whirlwind of activity with the renovation and Steve and I both working two jobs that honestly when I have any free time it’s spent cleaning, or working more or devoting attention to the girls.

If anything represents what my life is like right now, it would be my phone. It’s stuffed with skate videos and notes and texts and emails. I have 2,803 unread emails. Any time I need to take a picture I need to delete files to make space.

Life has just been so full we need to start deleting some things in order to make space.

But as I said at the beginning of this year, we are building a castle and it’s almost done.

Thankfully tonight when I tried to get a shot of Phoebe in the bath and my phone gave the dreaded notification that the storage was full, I got my big camera out. I sat down and watched her. I slowed down time. I took a breath.

Haters Gonna Hate

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 4.59.44 PMThis is my third post in a series sponsored by Similac as part of their Sisterhood of Motherhood program. Similac is committed to creating an environment to support all parents and build tolerance in the parenting community and I am proud to be part of that. You can check out a little intro to their message HERE if you’re interested.

I wrote about judgment last month on my blog in partnership with Similac. I love the program they are running right now in their efforts to end mommy wars and create a more supportive parenting community. To me honest, recently I have been out of touch with the patenting community I have been accustomed to the past few years, my online groups and friends. I have been engrossed in the skateboarding community in my relationship with Braille Skateboarding.

One of the key things I have learned in working with Braille is, “Haters gonna hate.”

This was too funny to not repost ☺️. #pushskateboarding #braillearmy

A photo posted by Aaron Kyro (@aaronkyro) on

If you are doing good work and helping people, no matter what, you will experience judgment and hate. This applies to ALL areas of life. I have found that just continuing to do the best we can and create good things has been the best answer to judgement.

What do you think? What is your experience with judgement? How have you dealt with it? I made a little video for my Facebook page. You can check it out in the link below.

I am partnering with Similac again this month to talk about judgement. And all I have to say is, Haters gonna hate. #endmommywars #sisterhoodunite #spon #ad

Posted by Our Urban Playground on Friday, September 11, 2015

Similac would love it if you could share your own story of when you experienced judgement and how you dealt with it on their Facebook page.

ps. I am including this amazing cute picture of our new puppy in this post just in case you had a bad day today because OMG isn’t this the cutest thing ever?!
