I Hate to Clean – #cleaningfun

I have made it pretty clear in earlier blog posts that I hate to clean, I have piles of laundry and I am not naturally tidy. However, I really want to be a housekeeping wiz. I would love to be able to whip a room into shape. If I could only say,”Oh, I just organized all the closets and I feel so good” once in a while.

I was at a friend’s house this weekend when her housekeeper showed up. I watched this woman float through the rooms like a cleaning fairy and in her wake was a magically organized house. You would think this made  me wish I had a maid. It didn’t. Quite the opposite. I wished that I had the ability to float through a space and leave order behind me.

Then BAM!!! It hit me. I had so much fun with last week’s experiment on personal appearance, why don’t I do it again with something that is factually much more challenging for me??!!

Will you please, please do this experiment with me? Tackle those projects you have been putting off, get all that laundry put away, organize the Tupperware drawer– maybe even conquer the garage.

I started yesterday with the landing that leads to the playroom. It had become a dumping ground and the light had burned out. Just getting that handled created so much more space.

Chloe got in there and got some marks off the walls

So let’s do this! Our houses, cars, living areas will be all set for the Holiday Season and maybe once and for all cleaning will be fun.

Post pics to Our Urban Playground’s Facebook Page, Instagram, or Twitter (hashtag #cleaningfun). You can also leave comments on what you think about this idea or your own accomplishments below. We will run the experiment until Thanksgiving Day.

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14 responses

  1. I remember having small children and going ‘Eeeekkkkk!’. I borrowed my neighbor’s ‘book of Mormon housecleaning’. Lol. What really saved the day for me was the doctrine of the stable datum. There is a place for everything- the floating comes in as you magically pick up misplaced items and put them back as you move from one room to another. And the other one was a very specific time for dinner and sleep etc. this saved me! So not my thing. Thanks Jennifer for reminding me I was successful once and can do it again… I’ m playing!!!

  2. Today is going well. I am home taking care of a sick kid and a teething baby, but I did manage to get the kitchen really clean and make some chicken soup.

  3. That is good Amy. Don’t want this to stress anyone out that’s for sure!
    I am finding I am falling in love with my house. It’s like we made up with each other after a long fight!!

  4. I’ve always found that if you clean a little bit each day, your house isn’t cluttered and then when you deep clean it goes so much faster. I actually like cleaning…sorry, but I do!

    • I think you are totally right Judy. That is what I am finding as I just stay on top of it. It is getting easier each day and I have more time for more things.

      I guess it’s ok that you like to clean…

  5. I so wish I could participate. I’ve been working at 15 minutes of decluttering a day for over a year and we still live in squalor over here~! But I’m spending the week in Colorado with my daughter and she’s already cleaned her living space. She’s a throwback to an earlier generation, I think. She didn’t get it from me!

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