It’s New Years Eve and I have been thinking about resolutions. I haven’t had much luck with them in the past.
I once decided I was never going to eat ice cream again. Seriously, I decided I would never eat it again, so that night I was justified in eating almost an entire half-gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream because that would be my last ice cream of my life. Obviously this didn’t work out for me. Have you noticed how often I talk about Bi-Rite Creamery on this blog?
I don’t do too well with stopping things. I think I’m more of a “start” type of gal. If I am going to change something for the better I have to get busy doing something rather than just thinking to myself… “I will never do, eat, say, so and so again.”
I like the idea of a reboot, a re-start. The idea that you can start anew.
A lot of what I have done with this Blog has been a bit of a reboot for me. I ran my #cleaningfun and #alittlemoreeffort posts. They were great because I was actually doing something to change something I didn’t like about myself. I am still not “Little Miss Tidy”, but it’s better than it was.
So, here are some of my reboot ideas for 2013:
1. I lost all the baby weight, but this has left me feeling kinda drained physically. I feel like I am not eating the foods and nutrients my body needs for my overall health and more important;y nursing Phoebe.
2. I really need to sort out Ella’s diet. White food and ketchup are her staples.
3. I need new clothes and a closet organization. I have about 5 different sizes in there right now and a lot of it I don’t even like. Almost everything is black, navy blue or was handed down to me by someone else.
4. I am using make-up that is over 2 years old, ewe.
5. I need to fix my back yard and renovate Chloe’s new room. (we will be transitioning Phoebe into Ella’s room and renovating a space downstairs to be Chloe’s room. It will be quite a project because we had some flooding there a few months ago.)
6. I need to read more both for myself and with my kids.
There is more, but I think that’s a good start. I would love it if you would do this with me on areas you want a fresh start on. I’ll post updates and pictures on Instagram hash tagged #2013reboot. I find it a lot easier if I’m doing stuff like this with other people.

My literal reboot. Marc Jacobs, 70% off. I am going to use these as an excuse to clean out my closet and rework my wardrobe.
Great title Jenny!! And I really like those boots! You go girl!
Thanks Joy! Can’t wait to hear about your reboot cleanse next week!
Great idea! I’ve been mulling what I’m going to resolve and I just keep coming up with lists that sound like “more of the same as I’ve been doing,” rather than resolutions. Maybe that’s a good thing.
1. I am going to reduce my material possessions by 1/2. We are expecting to be moved out of our apartment in 2013 and I don’t want to have to move it all. I have been doing it bit by bit, shredding a box here, giving away a box there, organizing, deciding, wrapping, carting, and there is still SO MUCH STUFF! But I decided that reducing it by 1/2 would be a good goal, so as long as I take tiny areas and reduce each one by 1/2, I should make it.
2. I want to get musical again. My piano tuner sent me my one-year reminder this year that it was time to tune the piano and I realized that I had not even touched the keyboard ONCE since the last time she tuned it. Not. Once. This makes me ashamed. I also own South American pan pipes, a Native American flute, a piccolo and I want to buy a Celtic harp, but if my practice habits are going to be so poor, there’s no point. When I found myself too out of practice to volunteer to play at the church Christmas party, I knew I had to reverse this trend.
3. Yours reminded me how old MY makeup is. I won’t say. I looked at some Ziploc bags of makeup I have lying around from various travels (you know, TSA requirements, etc.) and decided maybe I could just toss them wholesale and start over., especially since I so rarely wear makeup anymore).
4. I want to get order into my finances. They’re not all that disorderly, but I have some unhealthy habits I need to break before I retire and live on a fixed income. Habits like: I see, I want, I buy. In 2013, I am going to change that to I see, I want, I WRITE IT DOWN ON A LIST, I work it into my budget.
5. This year I’m going to have more fun. I have so many things I HAVE to do that I have to make time to do what I WANT to do. So I am going to plan out some more ME time this year.
6. Five is enough, but six works in the above as well. I am going to make lists of all the incomplete stuff I have hanging around that I don’t have time to finish and I’m going to decide whether I really want to finish it or not and if not, get rid of it. That works into reducing things by half and having fun. So I’m making a list of those unread books, dividing all my yarn and patterns up into projects, and setting out how much time I need to do the ones I want to do and see how far into the rest of my life it’s going to take me.
This all sounds great Jo Anne. My mother-in-law should be getting back her piano that has been in her family for over 100 years. It has been up in the foothills of the sierras getting restored. I can’t wait to play it. We got Chloe an guitar too.
Best of luck with the reduce by half! “If in doubt, throw it out!”
I love this idea. Josh and I go over our goals and re-think and re-align our lives to meet these every year. It has been a successful thing for us to do the last 14 years that we have been together. I am the kind of person that once I make my mind up to do something I am bloody minded about it. HOWEVER I can procrastinate with the best of them.
1. I have not lost all my baby weight yet. I was in really good physical condition and a size 4 before I had Arabella. It’s been a bit of a shock after having her as I expected to get back to my old size by now. I went on a diet after Bella was born and lost about half of it but my milk supply got so low it created really huge issues for us. So as soon as she is older and eating more solids I will be able to reduce my calories more. But I want to start back up with my Yoga and Pilates at least 3 times a week as well as get back to my old size by the start of Summer.
2. I will to move the boys room up to the great room upstairs and create the playroom downstairs.
3. I will finish my professional certification at the New York Institute of Photography.
4. I will finish painting the top part of the house.
5. I am going to re-organize my closet and donate all the old clothes I have, as well as go through and organize and donate the kids clothes.
6. I am going to re-start up the Woods Family blog.
There is many more things that I want to do but these are a great start.
That all sounds great! How I lost the weight was from walking. I walk 4 miles a day. No dieting at all. I made my commute into my exercise time and walked to and from work. In that way it’s kinda non-negotiable.
Exciting about the painting the house. Is that the exterior?
Sounds like you girls have your hands full! Best of luck…I agree if you do it with someone it’s easier to stick to and keep going. If you want some makeup advise…i just tried the new MAESTRO by Georgio Armani and it’s really nice! The lightest weight out there but medium coverage….don’t know if you like that look. I prefer more fresh look for everyday but this is great for a date night or anytime you want to look more polished.
ALso about a healthy diet try the DETOX diet by GOOP (gweneth Paltrow’s blog) YOu may want to eat more of it if you don’t want to loose any more weight but it really re-starts your body and makes you crave the good stuff….It tough me how to eat better and after doing it, I felt what my body was doing with foods I ate. I could feel clearly if something wasn’t that great for me or if something was great! I have done it 3 times now in the last couple years and I really loved it….each time It’s hard to cut out the sugar for me and the caffeine withdraw headache only last a day for me….no alcohol is easy. Here is a link to the review of it on my blog if you want to take a look.
Thanks so much for stopping by Marysia!
I will check out the Maestro. I use Bobbi Browns Foundation stick because I usually only use it on a few spots on my face. I like it because it is quick and easy.
I was too scared to take the full plunge of Gwennie’s detox. Total props to you for doing it. I can’t wait to read your review. I am working with a nutritionalist now who has taken me off all sugar, grains and dairy for two weeks. (alcohol too) I can’t give up my morning french press coffee though, I love it too much…
I am planning a trip to Hawaii for two weeks next august. I will be visiting your blog often for inspiration.
Happy new year to you.