Afternoon Motivation

Do you ever have those days when you think “I will get so much done!” or “I’ll pick the kids up from school and we will go exploring, crafting, fill in the blank-ing”. Around 10 am it all looks so promising.

Often by the time I get the kids from school, load the baby in and out of the car. negotiate backpacks, jackets, snacks, handle the random requests or occasional bickering we all get home and well… just sort of sit. All the promise of the morning just kind of fizzles into the couch.

Last Friday was one of those days. It was so gorgeous out. The sun was shining, spring was in the air and it was one of those days you wish you had a party to go to later. I really wanted to do something in the afternoon with my kids.

We got home from the school run and I could feel myself thinking, “gosh, maybe we should just stay here, It was a long week, we are tired”. Chloe was happily making a picture to give to a friend and Ella seemed content enough. This was the perfect opportunity to just stay in.

NO!! NO!! I was not going to let this day go to waste. Chloe did not want to go anywhere and she was happy making her picture so I agreed to let her stay home.

Ella and I loaded up the baby and went to the beach.

I am glad we did.

Ella's favorite place is the beach

Ella’s favorite place is the beach





How do you motivate yourself or your family to get out of the house? Am I the only one who deals with this inertia problem?

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5 responses

  1. Well done on your decision and what gorgeous photos. We did the same thing at the same beach when our four sons were growing up. It was non-negotiable. The order was given “OK, everybody into the car” and away we went. Each time at the beach the boys were so delighted with jumping and running in the surf, people thought we were tourists from the Midwest and would ask “Is this the first time your kids have been to the beach?” We said the boys simply knew how to enjoy the beach as if it was the first time over and over again. Thanks for refreshing my happy mommy memories!

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