I vowed that I would not have “mom hair”. I would not under any circumstances fall prey to the lures of short hair. No matter how busy I got, I would never ever ever go there. I would be one of those moms with long hair always.
Well, my life didn’t work out that way. My initial cut was when the girls were toddlers. I cut off ten inches and donated them to Locks of Love. The shoulder length bob was cute and I definitely booked more commercial jobs with it that length and I have been pretty much working variations on the midlength hair trends for the past 3 years.
When I was pregnant with Phoebe I decided to grow my hair long again. I really wanted that beachy long wavy look.
Post-natal hormones pretty much shut down this long-hair dream. It was coming out in chunks. Handfuls. I had a receding hairline. Then it started to grow back in so I had a ton of 1 inch long strands mixed in with the straggly survivors who were becoming more and more damaged as I tried to poof em up for auditions.

My friend took this shot and I love everything about it. Even how it shows how thin my hair got after the baby.
Time to go pixie.
I scoured Sarah’s blog for her posts on Pixie cuts where I watched this video. I looked at picture after picture and need I even mention Anne?
What really got the wheels turning for me was hearing Michelle Williams was going to grow her hair out long. Then I saw her in Oz Great and Powerful with long blonde hair and thought to myself, “That hair makes her look like everyone else.”
Then I looked at the women in San Francisco. They either have long beachy waves or a roughed up banged shag. I’m so over it.
I cleared it with my family, made my appointment with Corinne at John Velasquez and we did it. She put a lot of layers in but also kept them a bit chunky. The result is not at all mom hair and not one of those awful cuts you see on the cover of short hair magazine.
I love it.
Here is a video of the day I cut it all off. Turn down your volume, I talk kind of loud. The best part is in the end.

The day I found out I can “wash and go”. I used just a little hair oil and Living Proof Style Extender (which you should order RIGHT NOW, it is amazing for any hair type or length.)
I am really happy I made the cut.
Now I need new headshots.
Hate new headshots
Stunning!! Hi it Aaron! Not sure how he spells it.
Hi TO Aaron.. not ‘it’
geez… I should proofread
Thanks Joy!
I love the hair! Not “mom” hair at all. Just don’t let me catch you in ” mom” jeans!
Thanks Devin. Don’t worry! I always love your comments.
Lovin it Jenny!
Thanks Pam! How is the Pammyj blog coming along?
Looks terrific and quite sexy!
Looks great! Bravo!
Yay! I am having fun with it. Thanks for stopping by!
Love the cut! Someone said that this year the hair that is in is “brave hair”. Way to go–fabulous look on you!
Way to go to you and your girls!!! Didn’t you all cut your hair off and donate???!!!!
I love, love, LOVE it!!! Your daughter’s response is the cutest every. Having two boys and a baby girl, knowing they love it would pretty much seal the deal
I chopped a foot off my hair recently and went chin-length, but am thinking pixie for the summer. This might have sealed the deal. You look gorgeous
Thanks Amy! I am still really loving it and I went a little shorter even! I feel like I spent long enough in that middle length and just wanted to go all the way with it. It is still incredibly easy to maintain and I can go at least two days without washing if I use the living proof product.
I love it, you are truly stunning with that cut!
Thank you Kelly. Really sweet of you to say.
I just found your site after being on the pixie fence for nearly 6 months and you look so fabulous! I think I’m going for it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Yay! Glad you came by! Let me know how it turns out.
I just love you filming moments of your life like that. Makes me feel we are closer than we actually are !
I wish you had filmed Steve’s reaction!!!
I should have filmed Steve’s reaction! I was walking down the street when he first saw me.