Opera and Pretty Woman

“It was so good, I almost peed my pants.”

My mom didn’t let me watch Pretty Woman when I was younger. The reason? She didn’t want me to think hookers had a happy ending.

Well gosh. I think there are a lot of lessons to learn from the movie that FAR outweigh the happy hooker ending.

1. Never turn away a potential customer, even if they look like a hooker. They could have a credit card.

2. Wear polka dots.

3. The bigger the hair the better.

4. Do lots of sit ups.

5. Always demand a man will climb the fire escape for you.

6. Sitting in the tub for a long time actually isn’t that fun. You get wrinkly.

7. Women can pay the bills.

8. Snag someone rich

9. Be nice to hotel workers.

10. Never turn down the chance to watch Opera.

Because I had watched Pretty Woman so many times I’d lost count, (My mom must have caved) I knew that when I was offered tickets to go see the best living tenor, Placido Domingo, perform opera at The Greek in Berkeley, I should drop everything and go.

Unfortunately my husband didn’t try to snap my hand off while giving me a diamond necklace beforehand, but it was a pretty spectacular night none the less.

We were in the 7th row. It was a truly once in a lifetime experience.

We were in the 7th row. It was a truly once in a lifetime experience.

Placido does not sing that often. The nearly 3 hour show was filled with old standards along with some show tunes. His voice is just UNREAL.

Placido does not sing that often any more. The nearly 3 hour show was filled with old standards along with some show tunes. His voice is just UNREAL.


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