Finding Her Way


Today I watched this girl do two military style pull ups meaning with her palms facing out and from hanging.

Recently she awed me with her progress at school and suddenly she is reading chapter books and doing multiplication.

This past weekend she convinced me to dye her hair. We have done it before, but this time it was with  semi-permanent Manic-Panic Passion Red that faded into a fantastic hot pink. I don’t like that we died her hair. I was loving her long blonde waves, but doing this brings her joy and boosts her confidence, so in weighing all the pros and cons this makes sense for her. It makes me feel like a really cool mom and a really bad mom all at the same time.

She is working so hard to do everything right but pretty much every day this is the girl I end up losing my cool with because she is at “11″ with every single emotion from grief to joy. Even when she is sleeping her body is smashed into her bed like she is stuck to the mattress.

Something tells me she is trying to find her way through the big wide world and if she needs to dye her hair hot pink to help her with that, for now, that’s ok.

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2 responses

    • I think in actuality we are all pretty normal. I saw an article today talking about being thankful for strong willed children. ;)

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