Ella You’re 8!

Ella, you are my fiery, energetic and caring daughter. I love you. I am so happy you are in our life. You make us laugh constantly.

Here are some pictures from your 7th year.

Last year after your school Valentine's Day celebration

Last year after your school Valentine’s Day celebration

Turning 7!

Turning 7!

It was so fun to do this with you

It was so fun to do this with you

I love your hair!

I love your hair!

It was such a hot day and you were looking for bugs.

It was such a hot day and you were looking for bugs.

You're such a good climber.

You’re such a good climber.

Hi! I'm Bob.

Hi! I’m Bob.

I hope all your dreams come true.

I hope all your dreams come true.

I love it when you are funny.

I love it when you are funny.

This was the first day of 2nd grade! You have done so well this year. I am so proud of your progress.

School! You have done so well this year. I am so proud of your progress.

You lost a lot of teeth this year!

You lost a lot of teeth this year!

This was on our trip to Chicago riding the "L" train. I used to ride that exact train route to go to work when I was 20.

This was on our trip to Chicago riding the “L” train. I used to ride that exact train route to go to work when I was 20.

You are the BEST big sister.

You are the BEST big sister.

Frozen yogurt!!

Frozen yogurt!!

We spent so much time together while Chloe danced this year.

We spent so much time together while Chloe danced this year.

You and Phoebe

You and Phoebe

You are so strong.

You are so strong.

This was actually in October. It was cold but you didn't care.

This was actually in October. It was cold but you didn’t care.

You make this picture perfect.

You make this picture perfect.

Christmas is your favorite day.

Christmas is your favorite day.

Thank you for convincing me to dye your hair pink.

Thank you for convincing me to dye your hair pink.

Fun with dad.

Fun with dad.

You are the best cuddle.

You are so loving of animals.

You are almost 8 here. What a great year you had!

You are almost 8 here. What a great year you had!

You worked so hard on gymnastics this year.

You worked so hard on gymnastics this year.

I love this picture of you.

I love this picture of you.

The day of the Valentine's Day Celebration a year later.

The day of the Valentine’s Day Celebration a year later.


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