Letter to Chloe for her 9th birthday

My Darling Chloe,

Last week you turned 9. I am sorry you had to fly all day on your birthday, but at least you had just spent two weeks in Hawaii!

When you were born I whispered to you in your crib that I was going to make sure that you got to do all the things you wanted to do. If you wanted to do ballet or sports or whatever, I would work to support you. I told you that you would have an awesome life and that I would help you.

I think we have done well so far my sweet Chloe.

Last night I was so happy to tell you that you had been awarded a full scholarship for the 2013-2014 dance year. This was because of your hard work and dedication the past 6 months. I am proud of you.

Did I ever tell you that since you were a tiny tot I could take you to the fanciest restaurants and you would LOVE them? It’s quite a treat to have a daughter who loves fine dining, museums and the ballet.

What shall we do this year Chloe? Your 9th year. Maybe learn your guitar? Violin? We will take lots of trips to dance class. Let’s also try to get out more to all the things the city has to offer. Some museums? Some shows?

I’m sure we will work a lot on spelling. I’m sure I will ask you to put away your sister’s laundry sometimes too. I know you hate it, but you are way better at it than me.

Chloe, I love that you are a dreamer, that you are dedicated and that you work hard. Please when you practice your art keep in mind that it will not always be perfect the first time and try to never find fault with your art or yourself. Just work at it more.

I am so excited about your future Chloe. It is like an open canvas for you to paint what you want on it.

Love Mom

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