Munchkin Latch Bottle Giveaway

You guys! They named a bottle after our family! New Munchkin Latch bottles specifically designed for nursing babies to make an easy transition between breast and bottle. Seeing as this is how I raised my three girls, with a combination of BF and bottle feeding, it makes perfect sense that Munchkin would contact me and ask if they could name the bottle after us.


We are so very honored.

To commemorate this momentous occasion Munchkin has partnered with Aldea Baby to give away a special “Latch” bottle combination and a $50 gift card to the Aldea Baby Store! (go check out their store here. You will totally love it.)

Thank you so much Munchkin for designing a bottle that creates a similar latch to actual breastfeeding and a nipple that moves like breasts do. I always wanted to have a product named after me and Steve will be very happy my breasts have been forever immortalized by your product.


Jennifer “Latch”

ps. To enter the giveaway for a 4oz and 8oz Munchkin Latch Bottle plus a $50 gift card to Aldea Baby, just share this post on your social media of choice and comment below letting me know. Winner will be chosen next Sunday.

pps. If it’s not already obvious to you, I am kidding about the whole tribute Munchkin made to my family and my boobs. They didn’t name the product after me sadly.

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14 responses

  1. These look like great bottles! I am expecting my first baby in 4 weeks and have no idea where to start when bottle shopping. I love reading reviews and I’m glad to see this is a good bottle!

    Thank yoU!!
    avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com

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