No Profound Words

jennifer latch

I wish I had something beautiful and profound to write about this photo. Something deep and inspiring about the love of three girls and how lucky I am to have such uniquely different children.

I wish I had beautifully constructed sentences to express the joys and challenges of motherhood in a humble and endearing way that makes you feel like you are not alone and that we are all in this together. I wish I could say things right now that would give you hope and make you feel like life really can be fun and everything you dreamed it to be when you were young.

Well, I believe all those things and often times I feel all those things, but right now I am just sort of… whatever. I am empty of big sentences that say big things to make people feel big emotions.

I just finished putting the baby to bed, the girls are at sleepovers and I washed away a bunch of dog feces in the outside area of my building. My feet are freezing and it’s Friday night. I just missed out on a huge party with a bunch of local entertainment high-rollers because I put getting my girls to their sleepovers first. I ate eggs for dinner while looking at houses online. It seems like I am complaining. I am not. I would much rather my girls see their friends than me stand in a large room sipping champagne pretending to be important. The eggs were pretty tasty too.

So tonight there are no profound words. No heartfelt stories.

Just a picture with all my girls looking at the camera at the same time and woman who is finding satisfaction in normalcy.



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