Cool Parent – Shawn Burke -

I am pretty darn excited.

I met Shawn Burke last year on a photo shoot. Shawn has worked for Vogue, Michael Kors, a slew of celebrities and pretty much every magazine you could think of.  It wasn’t until the second time I worked with her that I found out she is not only an amazing makeup artist and mother of two boys, she also designs her own line of luxe makeup bags.

These are not just your average makeup bags folks. These are total swoon worthy, omg, amazing, how can I get my hands on that, makeup bags. They are also made in America.

I was pretty much over the moon when she offered to do a giveaway with this little blog.

On top of the giveaway we are also doing a series of posts this week about how to improve your beauty routine and the actual content of your makeup bag. She has some pretty rad tips on how to make a tired mom look rested.

Shawn and I will be doing this giveaway through the blog and also on Instagram.

To enter just comment below! If you want to enter on Instagram too go follow me HERE and find the picture to share.

You could win a Shawn Burke Ltd Mini Necessaire and a $50 Sephora gift card!

You should also go like the blog on Facebook so you don’t miss the great posts we will be doing this week! They may look small, but they hold all the necessities

My old bag was so bla

My old bag was so bla

Now I get excited when I open my purse.

Now I get excited when I open my purse.

This electric blue is their most popular color. Please leave a comment to enter!

This electric blue is their most popular color. Please leave a comment to enter!







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29 responses

  1. Ok so I am going to comment, even though I have yet to ever in the history of my life win anything I have ever entered. But those makeup bags are pretty rad, so I will give it a shot :)

  2. Cool! My make-up bags have always been shoddy little things. It would be so awesome to have a really nice bag. Looking forward to the tired mom make-up tips!

  3. gorgeous bag! LOVE the blog :) fun that I knew you as a teenager, Jen, and now I get to read about your adventures in motherhood!

  4. WOWOWOWOWOW! I need that! OMG please pick me! Why?? Cause I will show it to all my friends and you will sell even more! BOOM!!!!
    xoxoxoxoxoxo love you jen! Give the girls kisses for me!

  5. I’ve been told I’m a “rad” grandma because I do the water-slides and trampolines with my grandkids, so I would LOVE to have the rad red makeup bag so my makeup can be rad too!

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