Braille Army

So… It seems that I am a poser. I made this big promise to myself that I was going to learn to skateboard and I have hardly had time to practice and haven’t really advanced beyond being able to ride about 40 feet.

jennifer latch

A “poser” is a skater term for people who just want to skate because they think it’s cool or want to be cool, but are not passionate about it and are just sort of faking their way through. I guess that’s me. It would be really cool to know how to skate, but am I willing to practice daily and fall repeatedly? I don’t know. I also have three kids to take care of and dinner to make.

A school counselor once told me that I cover up things that are wrong with me by only showing the good parts. That was a crummy thing to say to a kid. It didn’t scar me for life or anything, but it certainly confused me a bit. Don’t you think we all want to present the best side of ourselves?

I may be a poser, but I don’t really care. I made an effort. I got on the board and I am better for it.

So now that I am done with all that justification for why I can’t ollie yet, let me tell you about some kids who aren’t posers.

They are members of the Braille Army. Aaron Kyro is a skateboarder who through years of work built a following on YouTube of half a million subscribers to his twice daily videos. He recently went pro with his own boards. Aaron Kyro through his YouTube channel and Instagram has started what he calls The Braille Army. This is a way for kids across the nation to start their own skate groups in their area, make videos, learn from each other and just have a good time.

I interviewed Aaron about what it was like for him to become a professional skateboarder and his plans for The Braille Army a few weeks ago.



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2 responses

  1. Way to go for trying skateboarding, Jennifer! You are inspiring!
    Great interview also. I am curious why Aaron is calling it BRAILLE army.

    • There is a skating saying, “are you feeling it?”. This is why “braille” was chosen. A way to experience through touch, or feeling.

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